Welcome to my JobPath blog, find out what really happens when you are on the JobPath program contracted to Seetec Employment and Skills Ireland. Follow the interviews, reviews, training and meet the people on my own 52 weeks of JobPath, in real time.

In November 2018, I was recalled to JobPath for another 52 weeks and you can read all about it under JobPath two

On completion of JobPath readers have asked me to continue to blog my search for work, I have put this all under the Post JobPath tab.  Here one can find out about the Intro caseworker meetings and anything else that I will be asked to do to comply with Jobseekers while trying to get work.  This blog continues while on JobPath two and beyond.

Panel 1


In November 2018, I received a second ‘invitation’ that I couldn’t refuse to do another 52 weeks of JobPath. Considering the amount of people who viewed the blog from all corners of the planet and the participants that the blog helped, along with the number of people who contact me for and offering me help, I’m going to do another 52 weeks of blogging under JobPath two.  The aims will be the same.

Like many people around the country I’ve  been “invited” to participate in JobPath.  The invitation, in the form of a letter from the Department of Social Protection arrived early last week, stating that I have been allocated a Personal Employment Advisor to work with me, to avail of the JobPath Service.

It further states Seetec Employment and Skills Ireland have been contracted to deliver Job Path on behalf of the Department of Social Protection; failure to attend and fully participate invokes a reduction in benefits. So, I google it.  There was very little information and most of it negative.

This blog, my first, will in general aim to document the program and specifically my experiences on JobPath.  Protecting their identities you will meet the other job seekers and staff, will there be villains and hero’s or stale biscuits and tea? The blog will be anonymous because I’m not sure how DSP or Seetec will feel about the real time, real person, review.

Why do a blog, I feel that it gives a window for the 115,000 people who will be invited to the mandatory scheme over the full 4+2 years.  JobPath is discussed by politicians, by journalist and even on public forums, the vast majority of whom only get the opportunity to view from the outside in and so only see things from a superficial vantage point.  My time embedded or if you like immersed in the scheme, gives a personal and unique opportunity to document my experience and is allowing me the privilege of blogging from the inside out.  It requires some intrusion into my life and maybe some repetitive reading, it will require some commitment from myself  and the thought of possible consequences leave me a little unhinged.  However difficult it is personally, hopefully it will serve the purpose of shedding light on the truth in a way that turning up with a press pass or in a Ministerial car, never could do.

Will the blog increase my skill set, help me reflect on the experience and maybe even get me that illusive job offer? only time will tell.

A little about me, I’m a mature woman with a third level education who built my career in management, finance, administration and personal development. A busy and happy life imploded in 2010 when the recession years brought my working life to an abrupt end. Hope remained with me as I became debt free; was diagnosed with a mental illness and started to work out how to manage and live as good a life as I can.

Everyday is going to be the day that I get that job !

add another page.

Panel 2
Panel 3 Placeholder
Panel 4 Placeholder